CUSSA is a leading brand of international summer program, cooperating with top universities worldwide. In 2011, CUSSA took the lead in introducing the international Summer School system to the famous universities in China, providing international students and prospective students with high-quality and diversified overseas courses, helping them take advantage of the vacation time to complete studies abroad in advance.

Since its establishment in 2011, CUSSA has been operating successfully for 10 years, with 10 campuses, serving more than 20,000 international students and cooperating with 1,000+ universities. CUSSA provides more than 300 general education and major courses in the fields of humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, business, art, engineering, etc. Currently, CUSSA has created a flexible mixed teaching model of ‘offline + online courses’ to guarantee that students can experience overseas academic courses whenever and wherever.

10 Campuses










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Partner Universities

Renmin University of China

Huazhong University of
Science and Technology

Zhejiang University

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Wuhan University

Shanghai Normal University

Chengdu University of Technology

Fontbonne University, USA

Nanchang University

Ocean University of China

Chongqing University

Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Enrichment Activities

CUSSA FutureX is an educational platform of Hanguang Education, which focuses on improving students' international competitiveness. Through the AI-powered system of assessment, evaluation, and suggestion based on cutting-edge education science and technology, Hanguang Education brings personalized academic development planning to the real-world for each student. Aiming to help students achieve the integration of their disciplinary knowledge and practices, Hanguang Education provides project-based learning opportunities with scientific inquiry, engineering design, and creative thinking.

Program Highlights

Research Project-based Learning Program

Our key point is that students have an opportunity of individual development and complete research/project experience in order to obtain a deeper understanding of their future academic interest(s).

  • Alpha Plan

    8 weeks of online research, small class sizes, more flexible

  • Sigma Plan

    4 weeks of field research, small class sizes, face-to-face instruction

  • Lambda Plan

    2 weeks of field research, face-to-face instruction

  • Omega Plan

    Customized research, will be designed as you want

  • Alpha Plus-Art

    8 weeks online and 1 week in the field, more cost effective

Why CUSSA FutureX

Opportunity to have research project experience under expertise’s guidance.

Professor will evaluate students on multiple dimensions, namely Critical thinking, Motivation, Content Knowledge, Cross-cutting Ability, Professional Writing, Team Cohesiveness, Efficacy, and Leadership.

Crystalize better understanding of future major and study plan through project-based learning.

FEIC Program

  • Future Entrepreneur & Investor Accelerator (FEIC)——Under the direct guidance of renowned entrepreneurs, investors, and senior managers of large enterprises, students will make business plan and launch new product. They will participate in the FEIC, a global competition for remarkable innovation and entrepreneurship ideas that benefit the future.

Imperial College Internship Bootcamp

  • Imperial College Internship Bootcamp——Through the customized online course conducted by Imperial College London, students will attain a deep understanding of the current job market, learn how to polish resume and cover letter to maximize their competitiveness, practice workplace networking skills, and become well-prepared candidates in the job market.


Instructional Design at CUSSA FutureX helps students to:

- Define a problem, find solutions, and then define a further problem.
-Acquire knowledge and problem-solving skills through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.
-Enhance creative thinking and critical thinking by complete a series of interdisciplinary projects.

Cooperative Enterprises
Investing Institutions
Partner Universities

Contact Us

North America :+1 (909) 413-1714
Mainland China:027 - 87319658
China: 8th Floor, No. 5 Enterprise Center, No. 1628 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
USA: 6848 Caine Rd, Columbus, OH, 43235, USA